Welcome to My Supply Chain

Your Solution for Product Sourcing from China

Unlock the potential of your business with our award-winning import process and comprehensive document templates. Minimize risks, maximize profits, and partner with verified suppliers and manufacturers for a seamless sourcing experience.

No Credit Card Required
increased profit


Save 30% to 60%
Frethan minimizes the risk of importing, enhancing your profit margin.


Trade Industry

One Platform, One Solution
Our one-stop trade platform allows buyers, suppliers, and third-party service providers to interact seamlessly.


Blockchain Platform

Legal And Secure
Benefit from our legal blockchain technology, with automated submissions to the Online Court in China.


Verified Identities
Engage confidently with people and businesses whose identities have been verified.

Electronic Signature


Electronic Signing
Access a range of essential documents including NDAs, Sample Making Agreements, Purchase Order Agreements, and more.


LMS Importing

Knowledge Base
Utilize our Learning Management System to master the end-to-end product sourcing process.

Importing Management

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Sourcing Manager

When it comes to sourcing products from China, you have two options: manage it yourself or hire a professional sourcing manager.

Choosing to hire a sourcing manager offers numerous advantages, such as faster turnaround times and reduced workload. With a sourcing manager handling all your sourcing needs, you can dedicate more time to marketing and other critical areas that contribute to your company’s long-term success. Let us take the stress out of sourcing so you can focus on what truly matters.

Over $5 Million saved

Building Material

Keeping the costs down for building materials has helped builders manage their budget better and make a higher profit.

Furnishing & Stock

Own a Restaurant or Nightclub, use our system to source quality furnishing & stock at 30% to 60% lower cost.

Selling Online

Online Selling (E-commerce) is one of the fastest-growing industries in recent years and one way to leave your job behind.

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